World Cyber Games also known as WCG, The most renowned eSports event in where professional players from different countries participate in several games as a team or an individiual but, unfortunately Warcraft 3, DotA-Allstars is not considered as an official game in this mega championship. DotA has been ignored in the past few years due to improper management and negligence of organizers in WCG. They think that DotA has no potential to be in the official game list but the fans will prove it wrong!
Now it is time to force the WCG organizers to include DotA in WCG 2010, it should be recognized as a competitive strategy based game. Show your support by casting your vote and keeping DotA-Allstars future alive in these kind of events. So, the players can participate and compete on big-stage in this event to show their skills.
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